
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Earth is a Hell-hole...compared to Glory???///

Loving Lord,I thank U for another day to get it right..we both know I fall so short,when it come to be ing right with u,forgive me of all my trespasses,in the name of Jesus...for I'm beging U to allow the holy spirit to keep me focus on Glory...because this hell-hole down here is not my home,I don't want to, to try hold-on, one moment longer than necessary,the moment I'm SAved and  ready,take me, because I know heaven is Real..lord,Jesus, now I understand why the people of the bible(Daniel,three Hebrew boys,Peter,Paul..etc) had no fear of Dying...when You totally trust in Jesus,he promised to go prepare a better place for,Me why should ,I fight so hard to stay down, here in this hell-hole us all, Lord Jesus!!111Amen,,,Amen.....

Friday, July 11, 2014

It's 3 A.M...Lord

It's 3 a.m. Jesus I know I can talk to U..forgive us for we have all sinned, but most of us is confused ,we blame U for things that is the result of sin,we cling to this old world and the cares of this old world while claiming this is not our home..but,U told us we can't serve two masters,Lord, please forgive ..Us,for we need to understand like Daniel,three Hebrew boys,Moses,that heaven is real and U want us to join U there ,for eternity...Amen

Sunday, July 6, 2014

It's 1: a.m. Praying for our children

Loving Father,they are your children,1st,but we are praying that they will make the right descisions,this old world ain't our home but we  spend so much time and enegery trying to stay here(cares of this old world is blinding our vision of your kingdom, and our children is so confused because of us don't really believe that heaven is real..please help our unbelief..Jesus, you are coming ,very,very soon,,,save our children LORD Jesus...Please!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

NoT your Fault

Loving Father,U made mankind a perfect home,no pain,hate,suffering,no death,but Adam messed-up and because of the pain of sin,the world wants to blame,u,but it's not your fault..created beings,because of free choice messes-up causing pain and suffering,not your fault..Loving Father this not my home..looking for your soon us to be ready...please forgive us ,we keep sinning against..Thee..Amen